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From concept to development

Make a prototype to demonstrate your idea.

In Fabric Concept Development we take your idea from its initial concept through to a physical prototype and studio photographs. You can use the prototype to assess the unique value of your idea. The process usually goes something like this:

  • Materials Research
  • Component Selection
  • Preliminary Brief
  • Pattern Drafting

For more information on how to protect and commercialise your new idea please request the Info Pack – Inventing for Profit

Frequently asked questions:

  • How do you get a product manufactured?
  • How do you advertise the product?
  • What distribution methods are available?
  • How do you obtain funding or investment?

Request a Free Info PackThe “Inventing for Profit” GuidePatent Advice/How to Patent an IdeaConfidentiality AgreementsIdea Submission FormsNews & Updates on Innovation Aucun champ trouvé.

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How do you get a product manufactured?

From the initial prototype, in order to manufacture the product you must first have completed the necessary stages:

  • Detail Design Prototype – Finalise the design ready for manufacture
  • Tech Pack (Request for Quotation) – Create a Tech Pack for requesting quotations from manufacturers.
  • Cost Model Analysis – Types of Production, Production Costs, Freight and Duty Cosys, Margins and RRP
  • Ready for your initial order

We can help you from concept to manufacture, for more information give us a call or download out info pack to find out how to get started.

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How do you advertise the product?

Whether you are distributing through an established retailer or just starting your own website, advertising can help to build the reputation of your product.

Methods of advertising:

  • Editorial in an industry-relevant magazine
  • Editorial in a local or national newspaper
  • Social Networking sites
  • Ideas/Product Forums or web-based platforms
  • Competition Entry
  • Trade Shows
  • Invention-based radio or television shows
  • Website

Whatever method you use, advertising your product can gain the attention of investors, partners or buyers, all of which may increase the value and success of your product launch.

[et_pb_image src= »https://innovate-design.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Fabric-Design_Chibu-Instagram-1.jpg » _builder_version= »3.25.4″][et_pb_image src= »https://innovate-design.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Fabric-Design_Investment-Deals.jpg » _builder_version= »3.25.4″][et_pb_text module_id= »howcom » _builder_version= »3.25.4″ custom_padding= »30px|30px||30px »]

How do you obtain funding or investment?

Although launching a new product requires 100% investment there are numerous ways to obtain funding for your project to help move it forward. Some of these methods are outlined below:

  • Venture Capitalists / Angel Investors
  • Crowndfunding
  • Business Loans
  • Competitions
  • Funding Sites
  • Government Grants
  • R&D Grants
  • Business Network Sites
  • Private / Personal Investors
  • Family / Friends

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Aucun champ trouvé.

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About Innovate

With over 20 years of experience, innovate helps individuals determine whether their new product ideas and inventions could lead to commercial success.

Téléphone: +33(0)187210361
E-mail: contact@innovate-design.fr[et_pb_column type= »1_3″ _builder_version= »3.25.4″][et_pb_text _builder_version= »3.25.4″ text_font= »|||||||| » text_text_color= »#ffffff » header_font= »|||||||| » header_3_font= »|||||||| » header_3_text_color= »#ffffff » custom_margin= »||-2px||| »]

IP & Prototype

[et_pb_text _builder_version= »3.25.4″ text_font= »|||||||| » link_font= »|||||||| » link_text_color= »#ffffff »]Information on types of patents
Design Process
Prototyping[et_pb_column type= »1_3″ _builder_version= »3.25.4″][et_pb_text _builder_version= »3.25.4″ text_font= »|||||||| » text_text_color= »#ffffff » header_font= »|||||||| » header_3_font= »|||||||| » header_3_text_color= »#ffffff » custom_margin= »||-1px||| »]

Innovate Design

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