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The inventors guide will cover:

  • How to patent and protect your idea
  • How to develop your idea
  • How to sell your idea
  • Available routes to market

You can submit an idea to us under confidentiality agreement by clicking the online Idea Review Button

Le Pack Info Contient Des conseils en Brevet – Comment breveter un conceptUn guide détaillé – “Inventer pour le Profit”Un accord de confidentialitéUn formulaire d’Examen de Projet gratuitNouvelles et mises à jour sur l’innovation Aucun champ trouvé.

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With over 20 years of experience, innovate helps individuals determine whether their new product ideas and inventions could lead to commercial success.

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E-mail: contact@innovate-design.fr[et_pb_column type= »1_3″ _builder_version= »3.25.4″][et_pb_text _builder_version= »3.25.4″ text_font= »|||||||| » text_text_color= »#ffffff » header_font= »|||||||| » header_3_font= »|||||||| » header_3_text_color= »#ffffff » custom_margin= »||-2px||| »]

IP & Prototype

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Design Process
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Innovate Design

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